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Biophilic Learning
Building our school
Logistics & funding

Better learning for a better future

It is our aim to construct a school that propagates biodiversity, enhances social mobility and offers effective learning for life in the 21st century.

A vision of the future
With economic uncertainty, social media pressure and education rigidly structured around exams and targets, society is producing a generation without the skills required for the future. We need young people to be creative, adaptable and resilient to take on the jobs that do not yet exist.
child hands holding leaves
Create a natural and nurturing learning environment that focuses on the individual.
smiling child with paint on face
Give equal status to practical and creative skills, as well as academic achievement.
Happy child in forest glade
Allow young people the chance to discover who they are and appreciate that this can evolve.
Crucially, we want to create an inclusive environment with a cross-section of society. Providing sustainable transport to be accessible for everyone who shares our vision.
Cultivating character, building skills
Our mission is to pioneer a pathway for young people that emphasises character development, transferable skills and preparation for life.
number 1
We give young people the self-esteem to contribute meaningfully to society.
number 2
Bespoke education that stimulates intellectual curiosity, a growth mindset and wellbeing.
number 3
Our natural learning environment showcases the importance of sustainability.
number 4
We promote social mobility through accessibility, inclusivity and neuro-diversity.
number 5
We foster meaningful relationships with local community and businesses.
number 6
Our career insights and experience help young people navigate their futures.

Social mobility is key

We want pupils from all backgrounds to access our distinctive brand of education, giving them a passport to future opportunity. We will embrace the optimal means as outlined by the former Chair of the Social Mobility Commission, Katherine Birbalsingh, in her inaugural speech on 9 June 2022.

Diversity of talent

Success in society is too often reliant on cognitive ability alone. But we believe that success in the future will be determined by a mix of other, currently undervalued, skills.


Many experts acknowledge that families are the most significant factor in shaping or limiting a child’s future. We are keen to work with families to explore how parenting determines outcomes.


Our social norm will be to try hard, accept mistakes with humility and work with support to learn from them. We will not underestimate our power as educators to help families believe in their potential.
Our school culture will support pupils and families from a broad, socio-economic spectrum –mirroring society beyond the school gate.
Our team
Our biophilic school brings together experts in construction and education, all sharing a vision for a new, more sustainable way to live and learn.
Richard Harvey

Richard Harvey

TG Escapes

Twenty years ago, Richard and his wife started The Garden Escape with a mission to create beautiful, sustainable garden rooms and offices. Later, under the name TG Escapes, the company’s focus shifted to the education sector, building innovative nurseries, SEND facilities and two-storey classroom blocks. Driven by a commitment to connect a building’s occupants with nature, and protect the natural world itself, Richard’s team now includes architects, craftsmen, engineers and project managers.
MArk Brown

Mark Brown

TG Escapes

Mark worked in marketing at Unilever before moving into advertising as a strategist with Leo Burnett, Creative Director at Starcom, and founder of award-winning agency Weapon7. He has a passion for sustainable eco-buildings and has been with TG Escapes for over 10 years, helping expand the business into education. Mark is also a Director of the global social enterprise, Street Wisdom, providing free creative workshops.
Duncan Murphy

Duncan Murphy

MTM Consulting

Duncan is a well-respected educationalist with an outstanding reputation as a strategic consultant. He has a wealth of experience in assisting businesses and schools with their potential for positive change, and advising leaders on diversifying conventional business models. A strong believer in creative solutions, Duncan is part of the biophilic project because he believes the time is prescient for leaders, such as TG Escapes, to develop regenerative models that benefit society.